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Three reasons why I keep direct mail to inspire my work

As I’m a copywriter, I think receiving direct mail is truly fantastic. I suggest grabbing it all up and keeping it. Other than life insurance and PG Tips 2-4-1 promotions, here are three reasons why I use direct mail I receive to inspire my work...

Five tips on using brand journalism in your content marketing

The brand journalist is a very different breed to the copywriter or PR. Their job isn’t to overtly sell a product or put a positive spin on a story, but to bring an air of authenticity and objectivity to a brand’s content. Well, that’s the idea anyway. Done well, brand journalism can create a...

NOT IN MY NAME: Cokeâs personalised bottles leave a bad taste

I’m afraid the Coke personalised bottle campaign literally isn’t for me. I was fine with it until I grabbed a bottle today. Aaron. I was drinking Aaron’s Coke.