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Welcome 2017

If 2016 disappointed, then 2017 holds much promise - hear from Martin Sorrell, Sir John Hegarty, Athony Newley and Hugh Grant

2016 in review

Inside or outside marketing and advertising, 2016 has been tumultuous. We take a look back at the year that was...

Warning: contains Christmas

And discover the biggest selling CD artist of the year (clue: he died more than 300 years ago):
Member Content

The Direct Marketing Trust: Commercial Break case study

Commercial Break works with young people from diverse backgrounds to give them a start in the marketing and advertising industry. The Direct Marketing Trust funded two two-day IDM training courses for those working on the programme

Redefining the path to purchase

Karmarama's dramatic sale, Reindeers to deliver Pizza (in Japan), the North Korean view of President Trump, the problem with media agencies, Wes Anderson and H&M, and a ton more

#writerscrawl: Big Bang - how to write just about anything

Creative director at CHI&Partners, Laura Rodgers, took us through some key tips to keep your copy zesty fresh – with a bit of Jeff Goldblum thrown into the mix

#writerscrawl: the power of words with Karmarama

Gathered under one roof at Karmarama, our #writerscrawlers got up close and personal with the word play of a poet, a speech writer, a screen writer and a playwright 

Steve Harrison's history of copywriting in five ads

Steve Harrison took us on a personal journey through the history of copywriting in five ads

#writerscrawl: words are experience with Lab

Lab's Justin Thorne took us through psychological copywriting, which includes nudges, VAK and whether you speak to monkeys, lions or dogs. Confused? Don't be - read on because it will help your copywriting.