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DMA GDPR B2B Twitter Q&A

In what seems like an attempt to fit as many abbreviations into one sentence as is possible, the DMA hosted Twitter Q&A on GDPR in the B2B world in April for all with burning questions for their businesses and the wider industry.

OneTrust: a B2B GDPR update

How will the draft ePrivacy regulation will impact B2B marketing? Why does the GDPR make no distinction between B2B and B2C marketing? What legal ground could you use for your B2B marketing activities under GDPR – consent or legitimate interest?

Seven things B2B marketers need to understand about GDPR

Clearing up some common misunderstandings among B2B marketers

10 things B2B marketers need to know about the GDPR and data protection

B2B marketing, GDPR and data protection