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Investigating Email: IP Addresses - It's Good to Share...Sometimes!

A correct sending infrastructure is a crucial factor in email delivery and deliverability.The choice between whether to use shared or dedicated IP addresses is an important decision that the programme owner needs to address and handle carefully. Here we discuss the pros and cons of both worlds.

Marketer Email Tracker 2021

During the pandemic email has proven vital for businesses to communicate with customers. The restrictions in place have benefitted the channel with bigger budgets and an increased ROI. Discover more about the health of email in an unprecedented year in UK data and marketing.

Investigating Email: Embracing Change

We have all had to adapt to new ways of living and interacting over the past 12 months. This change of communication has significantly changed the relationship between consumers and brands. But what exactly has changed? And what impact has this had on email? Read on to find out.

DMA Insight: What Customers Want from Email

Email lives within an ecosystem of numerous other channels. But which should be included when building a multi-channel approach? How do customers use their inbox? And how do they respond to brand emails? Here’s a snapshot from our Consumer Email Tracker 2021 report to answer all of this and more.

Consumer Email Tracker: Deep-Dive Insights from the Email Council

The Consumer Email Tracker is highly valuable when it comes to helping marketers walk a mile in their subscribers’ shoes, providing an effective mirror for changing subscriber behaviours, especially when broader drivers are at play. The recently launched 2021 edition (sponsored by Validity) is...

DMA Email Council February Meeting: Virgin Media Talking Points

In February, the Email Council welcomed guests from Virgin Media and Liberty Global to share what they think of the email space - spam, fraud, and the role of legitimate senders. The following Q&A provides a summary of the key talking points from the session.

Consumer Email Tracker 2021

Email marketing is part of a much bigger ecosystem and the way consumers engage with their emails reflects this. This report will provide you with a wealth of deep insights into how subscribers engage with their messages – their perceptions, preferences, and dislikes when it comes to email.