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Oddball Cycle Challenge

This Sunday, team members from across the MyLife Digital company, which includes Wood for Trees and Insight Analysis, will take part in the Oddball Cycle Challenge for Julias House, our chosen charity for 2019.

Door Drops The Nuts and Bolts

The print council headed up North this week for a rerun of their popular London event ‘Door Drops: The Nuts and Bolts’.

JICMAIL + IPA TouchPoints

JICMAIL is now incorporated into the IPA TouchPoints channel planner, enabling the contribution of ad mail to multi-media campaign reach and frequency to be assessed for the first time.

MyLife Digital Chief Innovation Officer to present at MyData 2019 in Helsinki

J Cromack will present 'Why the personal data game is like the dating game' as part of the "hashtag#GDPR implementation, interoperability & education: new potentials for data subjects" session at MyData's event in Helsinki on 27th September.

Wood for Trees wins Supplier of the Year for the third year running!

Wood for Trees has been announced as overall Supplier of the Year at the Institute of Fundraising Insight Awards in London last night. This is the third year running for the Bath based firm.

Register now for Multi-channel planning with JICMAIL Webinar

Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, talk you through the fascinating insights we now have on the role of direct mail and door drops when viewed through the prism of multi-channel campaign planning.

Planning with JICMAIL Series: Issue 5

Insight, idea and impact - Data junkie Patrick Collister explains why direct mail is the single most powerful medium to use if you simply want to get noticed

Voice of Customer Alone Isn't Enough For The CX Journey

This article looks at the merits and shortfalls of using Voice of the Customer data. Why you should also consider using Voice of Process and Voice of Employee to help improve the Customer journey.