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So, 2020. Not been much going on, has there? Bit of a quiet year.

As long as you ignore the handful of world-changing events, that is. It seemed bad enough when there was just COVID-19 to deal with. Everyone quickly realised that this was going to lead to a ‘new normal’, as it was quickly called. But that was just the beginning. With talk of economic...

3 major reasons why your customer loyalty sucks

Here are three reasons why your customer loyalty isn’t up to scratch and what you can do about it.

How to use your feedback to boost consumer confidence

Find out exactly what you should be doing with your customer feedback to boost consumer confidence and increase your conversion.

The New Norman

You will have read plenty about ‘the new normal’ now allow me to introduce the New Norman.

Think 17-24 Year olds don't want mail? Think again.

Alistair Ezzy, Lettershop, talks through how younger audiences react to mail using the latest research.

Connecting with people at home

The situation we are all currently in due to the COVID-19 pandemic is daunting and filled with uncertainty, however there is one thing that we can guarantee – there are a lot more people at home right now. As well as the usual retired, over 60s demographic who are home during the working week,...

How mail can get the best from digital

Mail is often referred to as the ‘snail trail’ media channel, but in fact it can be the perfect complement to digital marketing. That’s what MarketReach wanted to prove in their recent webinar on ‘Using mail to get the best from digital’. Here are the points that could help you get the...

Have-a-go for free with Soreen

New on-pack campaign launched!