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We Don't Sell Toasters

Google is an amazing search engine. Fast, accurate and comprehensive – we all use it every day. However, if you are ever tempted to use Google for address lookup, we think there’s a few things that you should be aware of.

Six Signs You Are Ready To Invest In Direct Mail

While search directs you to what you want to find, a catalogue is a source of discovery. It introduces people to new things they did not know about which encourages sales.

How phone-based services can help businesses during Covid-19

A flexible, personal channel such as the phone allows you to make the emotional connections that are most valued at a time when physical human contact is limited and digital interactions are the norm.

Getting value from a web-based events programme

Web-based events are a valuable addition to any sales and marketing programme. If you haven’t considered this option previously, we’ve listed six benefits of web-based events, with our recommendations for the successful promotion and delivery of an online events programme.

COVID-19: A time to rethink the way you connect with customers?

Sales and marketing managers can take simple, proactive steps to maintain valued customer relationships and build increased resilience to ongoing volatility.

WEBINAR: Planning for Christmas with JICMAIL - For supermarkets, retailers and their agencies

Christmas is the key trading period for many ecommerce, retailer and supermarket advertisers. Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, show how mail works to deliver engagement, brand awareness and response.

Does mail drive online behaviour?

As the use of online technology has increased so has the challenge of standing out. Alistair Ezzy, Lettershop, looks at whether mail supports digital marketing and talks about ways to use mail to best effect.

A Moment's Guide to...The Perfect Page

Optimising new content for Search engine visibility.