A Moment's Guide to...The Perfect Page | A Moment's Guide to...The Perfect Page | DMA

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A Moment's Guide to...The Perfect Page

Optimising new content for Search engine visibility.

At the heart of good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and indeed, all Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is understanding exactly what it is that your target audience are looking for (i.e. what they are Googling!)

While this should sit at the start of your entire SEO strategy, it’s also important to consider it when you start any new page. Think of the purpose of the page: Who is it designed to appeal to? What questions are you trying to answer? And then, figure out what they are actually typing into Google.

Check out our new guide (attached), to learn how to improve your website pages with a focus on:

Keyword Research

Mobile-First Design

Page URLs

Title Tags



Page Text

Meta Descriptions

Internal Links

Refresh Your Sitemap

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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