DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Proofing a data driven email campaign

If you work in marketing operations, you’ll know all too well that mistakes happen, we’re only human after all.

CX Transformation Approaches - Big Bang vs Crawl, Walk, Run

We’re all used to stock phrases like ‘benefits realisation’, ‘agile methodologies‘, ‘disruptive’, ‘crawl, walk, run’ and other buzz word bingo checkboxes.

Energy & Utilities marketing is about to get very interesting...

It is no secret to anyone who doesn’t live in a cave in a forest that we are all experiencing the very embodiment of the old Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”.

Analytics are only as strong as the underlying data

Why data hygiene must become a priority post covid

Why charities need to keep home movers close to their heart

There are unprecedented numbers of people moving house. - what this means for charities as the cost-of-living crisis starts to bite

Are CMOs truly prepared for data privacy changes?

We recently polled 200 CMOs in the US & UK to better understand how organisations are addressing privacy issues. These findings shed light on the current state of the market and reveal the barriers that must be overcome.

JICMAIL Measurement Matters Conference 2022 - 12th October

You're invited to this year's JICMAIL Conference on 12th October which focuses on what good planning and measurement looks like and includes a keynote state of the nation update from PwC and the launch of our measurement white paper.

Top 5 strategies to boost your digital advertising

Building a robust advertising strategy in today’s complex digital age is no easy feat. Our digital advertising expert Tasé Stefkov explores the best tactics and strategies to deliver the biggest impact online.

Reducing customer churn - six success factors

There are two words everyone is talking about right now - customer churn. The aftershocks of the past few years have left many businesses struggling to hold on to their customers.