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Is Changing News Engagement Altering Trust?

Ofcom has released its latest report into the UK’s news consumption habits, providing insights into the forms of media individuals use for their news and how this may differ between different age ranges. Read on to find out more.

Temporal personalisation: it's all about time

It’s no secret that a well-timed marketing message is much likelier to yield an action or purchase from a customer than one that arrives at the wrong time of day.

The wonderful world of Real-Time Interaction Management

Today we will take a look at the concept of Real-Time Interaction Management (RTIM), and what it might mean for an organisation.

7 Essential Insights on Business Mail

Business Mail shows the highest interaction rates of all mail types due to the personal relevance of its content. To see this download JICMAIL's 7 Essential Insights on Business Mail which provide highlights on the level of interest and interaction.

Beyond the pitch: data and sports marketing

Fans may be some of the most loyal ‘customers’ in the world when it comes to their teams and players, but keeping them engaged out of season and beyond ticket sales can be almost as important as what’s happening on the pitch.

Consumer Insights: What's on the list for Back to School shoppers?

Almost ¼ of British Back to School shoppers say they will turn to online video advertising, blogs and social media to help make their purchase decisions. In the age of digital shopping can you afford not to be investing in an online ad strategy?

JICMAIL WEBINAR: Travel Mail Insight: making mail work harder in challenging times

Join JICMAIL for a deep dive into mail trends in the travel sector. How engaged are consumers with travel mail while budgets are being squeezed? Who are travel advertisers having the most success targeting and what sort of response are they seeing?

Shifting out of survival mode

A call to action for long term planning

Is Machine Learning Here To Stay?

I went in my first Amazon Fresh Store recently. If you haven’t done so yet, I heartily recommend it, as it is a fascinating experience.