When & Where?
Tuesday, 23rd January 2018
Monday, 19th March 2018
Greater London
United Kingdom
Ticket Information
DMA member: £0 (+VAT)
Non member: £0 (+VAT)

Join us for an evening of networking, live readings and exhibits of Future Writers' Lab projects - plus hear senior creatives give their live feedback for our talented scholars. All this with wine and crisps!
Linking writers, creatives and anyone with an interest in words to events at agencies and venues around London, #writerscrawl is a celebration of the written word in all its glory.
Leading with the festival’s theme of the value of diversity in marketing and why it matters, this is an evening about the importance of writing across boundaries – as well as dissecting home-grown work that is hoping to make a real change.
Hosted by Debi Bester, writer in residence at the DMA, join us and:
- See work from the Future Writers’ Labs – rebranding age, gender and mental health with senior creatives giving their live feedback
- Hear more about the festival and if you haven't already, grab yourself a weekly pass and book into the innovative events on offer
- Catch up with old friends, make new ones and expand your network with fellow creatives and like-minded people
This event is entirely free to attend, and the crème of the creative crop, so don’t miss out.
To view the full agenda, please click here.
Want to buy a #writerscrawl weekly pass? Click here.
Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at training@theidm.com or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.
For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lucy Chapman.
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