2018 Bronze Best use of the moving image or audio | DMA

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2018 Bronze Best use of the moving image or audio


Agency: TMW Unlimited

Client: Kinder Bueno

Campaign name: Now that's adulting

Campaign overview

Chocolate for grown-ups

The brief

The challenge was to firmly shift the perception of Kinder Bueno, making it ‘a brand for me’ contender, while reminding the world of its strong taste credentials


In researching the target audience, Kinder Bueno and TMW Unlimited discovered that due to socio-economic changes, it is only at the age of 29 that that segment begin to feel like adults.

To maximise the campaign’s relatability, search data and online surveys helped pinpoint tasks most associated with ‘adulting’.

The insights inspired a 45 second film and – from this – a 22 second cut-down version that was promoted on YouTube, VOD, Facebook and Instagram, as well as on playful social GIFs.

In addition, several 10 second films followed to focus on the most relatable tasks.

To prolong the conversation, various influencers were challenged to take The Adulting Quiz.

The audience were highly engaged, and conversed with through social where help and hints came to their rescue with any troublesome adulting issues – rewarding them with delicious Kinder Bueno.


The target audience is very wary of advertising, so making a song instead of an advert was the more authentic route to take.

But as a brand attempting to create an adulting anthem it was important that it felt authentic.

To ensure this, the campaign engaged well-known YouTuber and comedian Brett Domino.

His style struck a tone that was credible and humorous – plus, he already had an established following, which furthered the organic reach of the film.

Emergent comedic duo Stiff & Kitsch also starred as the protagonists to set the idea at the perfect pitch.

All of this set against a super-stylised version of humdrum adult life allowed for an elevated message that became a true celebration the audience could really get on board with.


The campaign struck the right chord with the audience.

27,000 likes and 1,777 people tagged their friends to share the content organically.

Generating over 35 million views in total, it reached 66% of the population within the selected demographic.

People wanted to hear what Bueno had to say, with a 96% watch through rate that totalled nearly 4.4 years of viewing.

Not only were people watching, but the campaign was resonating, with a 4.4% lift in brand awareness and a significant shift in perception.

The campaign contributed to a shift in key brand statements, with an impressive 18% increase in the target audience saying Bueno is ‘a brand for me’.

Taste credentials also saw an uplift, with a 22% increase in the statement ‘tastes great’.


TMW Unlimited - Fluff Higgins, Art Director - Brittony Collins, Copywriter - Kate Stockdill, Business Director - Ruby Fard, Account Director - Jeff Bowerman, Creative Director - Rose Olander, Influencer & Partnerships Manager - Graeme Noble, Chief Creative Officer - Esme Noble, Planner - Olivia Wedderburn, Social Media Manager - Lauren Coffey, Campaign Manager - Natalie Price, Producer - Stephanie Martin, Designer - Zack Langsdon, Social Asset videographer

Hoot Comedy - Rob J Madin, Director - Brett Domino, Writer - Tom Bazeley, Executive Producer - James Menzies, Writer

Hoot Commercials - Mathias Gilay, Producer - Wojciech Duczmal, Editor - Aaron Rogers, DoP


Hoot Comedy, Rocket Media,Smoke & Mirrors, Guilt Free

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