2014 Gold Best Use of Door Drops | DMA

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2014 Gold Best Use of Door Drops


MediaCom Leeds

'How Booths took on the supermarket giants'

Client Booths Supermarkets
How did the campaign make a difference? A bold, unique strategy within the grocery sector delivered a high quality, high impact Booths Christmas Book direct into the hands of the core target audience.
The strategy allowed Booths to get directly into peoples homes as an antidote to traditional big spending supermarkets.
The book contributed to Booths best Christmas ever, with total like-for-like sales up more than 6% and with sales on December 23rd the best in the company’s 166 year history. The campaign successfully prompted customers to plan ahead, resulting in preorder sales increasing by 22%, and the impact of the campaign continued to be felt by Booths long after distribution was completed.
Strategy Booths’ strategy succeeded because it was unique, thought through with exact precision and executed perfectly.
With such a premium item, it was crucial that every recipient was within the core target audience.
Targeting and distribution were decided by appending the predominant Acorn type to each full postcode and aggregating this to street level. Only streets with 100% penetration of Booths target audience were selected for distribution.
The distribtion aimed to maximise impact and brand exposure, so each distributor was issued with a script and Booths branded clothing. The distributor knocked on each door on targeted streets and handed the book to the householder personally. In order to find as many people at home as possible, much of the distribution was carried out at weekends.
This created a campaign with huge impact, offering a personal touch and a high quality item with huge retention value.
Creativity The campaign creative was led by the intersection of three key, research-driven insights: that Christmas is the time when people trade up and splash out on their grocery shopping; that people like to slow down at this time of year and savour the process, planning further in advance; and that provenance and high quality of food is important to consumers.
Booths was presented as an antidote to the big supermarkets – a genuinely local grocer, serving communities and sourcing from local producers.
The campaign was given a very personal feel to create huge impact and separate Booths from other grocery brands at an extremely busy time of year. A high-quality 180-page book of recipes, ideas and range was delivered – weighing 540g and with a very high retention value. It helped to inspire people with the Booths story and became something that would be talked about locally, feel special and useful and be kept as a Christmas recipe book.
Results This campaign wasn’t just about immediacy of sales – it was about building a legacy and an image of Booths as playing a truly symbiotic role in the local economies of rural Lancashire, Cumbria and Yorkshire.
The imagery and content within the book, combined with the quality of the item, received great feedback and was readily accpeted by all those who received it. In fact, many requested further copies for other family members.
On top of this, like-for-like sales rose more than 6% and sales on December 23rd were the best in the comany’s 166 year history. Anecdotal evidence also suggested that the book inspired customers to plan ahead and ordered early – resulting in preorder sales increasing by 22%.
Team Steve Empson - Board Director, Danielle Bateman - Planning Director, Ben Moakler - Associate Director, Justin Oldham - Director, Lucy Robinson - Account Manager

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