Why SMS is the perfect addition to any communication strategy | DMA

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Why SMS is the perfect addition to any communication strategy

Business to consumer communication has jumped in leaps and bounds over the years. The best way to reach people has gone from posting leaflets and putting up posters to communicating digitally, via SMS, email and social media.

SMS is the most instant and direct form of communication and is perfect for both marketing and transactional messages. It gives businesses the opportunity to fire out instant messages that they can be confident are read. However of course most businesses will branch across multiple communication channels depending on the message they are sending, despite this SMS always comes in handy and is a great addition to any marketing mix.

As an example, you may decide to share an email campaign because you are looking to provide more information with a longer message. However, on average the open rates for email ring in at just 20% compared to a whopping 98% average open rate for SMS. As such, an SMS marketing campaign is a perfect complement to your email campaign. Simply sending out a text message to let your recipients know you’ve sent them an email, will help to drive them to their mailbox and ensure they keep their eyes out for an email that otherwise could have been lost in a crowded mailbox.

If you are running a sale on your website and have decided to advertise it across social media channels. An SMS campaign is perfect for reaching out to previous customers with a nice personalised message, to offer them a more exclusive offer which in turn will help to drive more traffic to your website. On top of this, communicating with customers via a nice personal message will help to build your relationships and increase your customer retention.

If you book an appointment, meeting or reservation over the phone, then sending a text confirmation to follow up and a reminder the day before is perfect for preventing no shows and missed appointments which in turn will save you both time and money. By ensuring that the message is personalised, friendly and engaging will also leave a positive impression on your recipient. Even the simplest of messages give you the best opportunity to build a relationship with your recipients!

These are just a few of the awesome ways you can use SMS to maximise your communication strategy. Our friendly team of SMS experts at FireText would be delighted to chat through other ways your business can benefit from SMS just get in touch!

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