The Top Reasons For Choosing To Invest In Print Management | DMA

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The Top Reasons For Choosing To Invest In Print Management


On the IT Pro Portal website earlier this month, it was noted that the Managed Print Services (MPS) market is growing exponentially, and is expected to reach a staggering net value of £7.4 billion by the year 2018 – up by £1 billion since last year. Although a lot has been in the news recently regarding the decline in print and direct mail (changes to VAT on direct mail being a hot topic of conversation in the industry), it seems that the sector isn’t going anywhere.

However, as the working world becomes increasingly digitalized, additional pressure has been added to IT services, the article notes. Things like security, compliance and a more mobile workforce are causing headaches for those involved (we’ve suffered from a few because of these issues ourselves). Thankfully, the article goes on to detail how MPS can help to relieve business and IT professionals of such worries:

Better security

MPS services provide an audit trail of meta data to companies, so that they can easily track what is being printed, scanned or copied – and who is performing such tasks. It also provides details on when and where such activities took place, meaning that information is highly secure and totally traceable.

BYOD support

The working world is becoming more mobile and it is now becoming very common for employees to bring their own devices into work and use them for business functions. MPS helps to connect each of these devices and provide effective print services for a mobile workforce – wherever they are and whatever device is being used.

Less waste

Gone are the days of IT departments drowning in failed print jobs and mountains of unused paper; MPS can help to reduce the number of print jobs being abandoned as the request stays online until the employee in question unlocks the job for collection – meaning sensitive information isn’t left lying around, and paper is only used when it is needed.

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