Survey: the GDPR and you, chapter three | DMA

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Survey: the GDPR and you, chapter three


Be the first to find out how businesses are adapting to the GDPR

With the GDPR coming into force in a little more than a year, preparation for this new European regulation will be essential for your business to perform well into the 21st century.

The DMA has tracked marketers' preparation for the GDPR for close to a year, with knowledge and preparation moving the right way between July 2016 and February 2017.

However, there is still some concern that B2B marketers may underestimate the changes needed to be ready by May 2018.

In the past B2B marketers were more loosely regulated but under the GDPR the distinctions between B2B and B2C marketing erode.

To help tracking how marketers are adapting to this new regluation, take our survey below:

How GDPR prepared are you?

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