RFID wrist bands expand to enhance visitor experience
26 Oct 2015

The concept of ‘magic bands’ or connected devices being used by the leisure and tourism industry isn’t necessarily new, but this doesn’t mean news regarding their use is dying down – in fact the technology is continually developing and appears to be on the cutting edge of the user experience.
We recently came across an article on the Theme Park Tourist website about Disney’s use of magic bands in its theme parks – and what the future holds for the technology.
The media and entertainment giant is utilising magic bands to enhance the experience of its visitors. The technology behind the bands – RFID – is being used to replace ride tickets, money, room keys and more. But this isn’t where the possibilities end – RFID can be used within rides themselves to be combined with the wristbands and other forms of visual communication around a park to create a truly connected and unique experience for all.
The park is using the bands to meet Walt Disney’s dream of creating a “world of wondrous ideas, signifying man’s achievements” – and there’s no doubt this technology is doing just that.
In fact, in the future the tech may also be used to provide information and notifications to visitors on transportation within parks, along with queue times and opening hours for rides. The bands and technology can effectively be used to help visitors organise themselves so that they make the most of their visit and their experience is enhanced as much as possible.
It’s also important to consider the demographic of visitors to theme parks – particularly young children. If a child gets lost, magic bands can be used as an identifier, allowing park employees to pull up information on the child and his/her parents, ensuring the situation is solved as quickly and stress-free as possible.
The combination of connected, mobile RFID-enabled devices with on-the-ground visual communications technology, such as interactive screens, outdoor signage and virtual reality, is helping to enhance experiences for all – not only for guests on the ground, but also for the parks themselves concerned with their bottom line.
When it comes to the potential of ‘magic bands’ and other similar technology, particularly when used in combination with visual communications tech and deployment in large-scale campaigns, we aim to stay on the cutting edge. In what other markets do you see ‘magic bands’ and RFID tech breaking into?
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