Official draft of UK's EU withdrawal bill agreed by the Cabinet

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Official draft of UK's EU withdrawal bill agreed by the Cabinet


On the 13th November, UK and EU negotiators reached agreement on the how the final details of the first full ‘Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018’.

Today, the paper has been taken to the UK Cabinet and endorsed unanimously. Now, the agreement will be brought to Parliament to approve or reject.

The DMA has lobbied hard to ensure that an agreement on data flows is part of the agreement. We are pleased, therefore, to see that the processing of personal data shall not be affected by Brexit insofar as the UK maintains EU standards of data protection laws.

The full text can be accessed here. The text on data flows is in section 71 on page 128.

There are plenty more policies in the text are to be read and dissected by the DMA policy team. We’ll keep you updated with all Brexit developments over the coming days.

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