New government communication frameworks announced
08 Jul 2016

Following extensive lobbying by the DMA, the government has announced details of its new communications frameworks, dubbed 'Campaign solutions' for end-to-end services and 'Communication services' for specific services
The government, in consultation with the communications industry and Trade Bodies including the DMA, has developed a series of improvements to the way it buys communications services.
New communication frameworks will give the government access to new agencies, and agencies previously unable to work on government contracts potential access. According to the Number 10, more than 600 agencies have registered their interest in the new frameworks.
The Campaign Solutions framework, for end-to-end communication services, typically provided by agencies, will be in place by November. The Communication services framework, for specific tasks, again, suitable for agencies with particular specialities or freelanceers will be in place a month later in December.
The full timetable for the new contracts is available as follows:
- 22 July: Draft statement of requirement and framework agreement to be shared with the market
- Guidance for the new contracts will be published prior to August 2016
- 1 August: OJEU contract notices for campaign solutions framework published
- 30 August: OJEU contract notices for communications services framework published
- 18 November: Campaigns solutions framework live
- 16 December: Comunications services framework live
Alex Aiken, Executive Director of Communications, said: “We would particularly like to thank the IPA, CIPR, ISBA, DMA, PRCA and the wide variety of agency representatives for their feedback and guidance. We will continue our engagement with industry and the Government Communication profession to ensure the proposed arrangements work well for everyone.”
If agencies or other interested parties wish to send their feedaback on the process, they can contact the government team at
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