Harness the power of digital to execute your direct mail campaigns | DMA

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Harness the power of digital to execute your direct mail campaigns


There was a time where individual marketing channels were viewed as separate entities. These days, a business does itself a disservice if they ignore other forms of marketing. Customers’ attention is already fragmented with the various options in which they consume media, so why not cover it all? Direct mail is geared to be effective with any audience, and while it’s superior to email in volume purchases, it’s inferior on cost per campaign. Historically the two types of media competed, but with greater advances in printing technology, marketeers can harness the power of digital to execute their direct mail campaigns.

It’s Physical

One of the regular arguments for direct mail is its physical nature. You can’t get replicate it with an email, but you can use a digital to make it something that will resonate better with the recipient. It needs to stop them in their tracks—only handling a mailer doesn’t cut it to achieve significant results. One way to do this is to give something away with it that requires interaction. A coupon directing the recipient to the website with a redemption code enlists their action and converts them in a physical way. They needn’t purchase, but holding something physical establishes a relationship and makes people do the things you ask them because it’s real. And because people hold onto a mailer for 17 days after they’ve received it, you still get their attention when they look at it every day.

It Conveys Emotion

You can shout as much as you want using traditional advertising methods in an increasingly online world, but that doesn’t mean anyone’s going to hear you. You need to create something that connects directly on an emotional level. We used to wonder how we can get into people’s most intimate sanctum and now with smartphones they’ve practically invited us in. Think how that digital connection can translate to a real-world application. Big data allows us to see how people interact with their devices so with a little insight and creativity, a direct-mail piece can reflect their online behaviour. It can be as simple as a physical version of your customer’s wish list, and when they’re holding your product in the their hand it’s easier for them to envision it in their life and convert to purchase.

Unparalleled Personalisation

More than just a name and address on an envelope or mailer, direct mail has unprecedented access to get personal. While consumers treat email containing personal information with suspicion, direct mail has a certain authenticity that can’t be replicated. Think about customer behaviour to influence your direct-mail offering and you’re well on your way to large returns on investment. Change your messaging, revise the offer, or trigger specific mailers whenever the customer performs a predetermined action online. With new technology like the Xerox Trivor, you can send out a mailer with little notice and greater speed than ever.

The best of both world’s

By testing with email we’re better at predicting direct-mail results. Firstly it’s cost-effective and allows you immediate insight into which offers, propositions and demographics work best. Unique URLs even give you a secondary personalisation option and highly detailed and accurate tracking. It’s the best way that email can give your direct mail campaigns a predictable level of sales, so guessing if you’re going to make a profit is finally coming to an end. Email for predictability, direct mail for volume sales.

Higher Response Rates

Six months’ email (based on 28 emails over 26 weeks) yields the same amount of revenue as one direct mail event in one month, that’s 28:1 sales ratio. With a greater response rate it can free up your marketing budget to do concurrent activity: primary sales from direct mail with testing and complementary follow-up with email. It also frees up your email to highlight other products or services, or introduce flash sales and incentives for more dynamic campaigns. You should be continually reaching to new audiences and markets so why not start testing with email today and sell with direct mail tomorrow?

Contact First Move today on 01494 539300 or email enquiries@firstmove.co.uk for help with your Direct Mail campaigns.

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