DP2018: eBay and a global view of the GDPR | DMA

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DP2018: eBay and a global view of the GDPR


GDPR is tricky.

Its tricky because what so many businesses of a certain size crave - that GDPR catch-all that suits all shapes and sizes - is something of a mystery.

In that spirit, eBay have found GDPR a real challenge, but, in keeping with one of the predominant themes of the day at DP2018, a challenge that brings huge opportunity.

GDPR from the board down and all around

Ben Westood addressed DP2018 delegates in the closing session, and highlighted how the global GDPR challenge they face is powered by a strong corporate governance approach from the boardroom down.

Data is cared for as a matter of course. Staff are well trained; auditing and monitoring is carried out; there are visible resources, including eBay's online privacy centre.

At eBay, Ben explained, the role of Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) allows the business to apply uniform global data protection standards for the handling of personal information.

All-in-all the business offer a culture of respect for privacy that protects not only employees but consumers - and the brand.

Customers as people. Your people as privacy advocates.

eBay is operational in its approach to GDPR.

With its vendors they have supported activity such as annual template reviews right up to GDPR contract and capability assessments.

Internally across the business, eBay has sought to address the challenge of getting its people to appreciate data, privacy and the whole gamut of information care that surrounds the GDPR.

Training and awareness, powered often by easily accessible online resources are key factors in how eBay the business places data diligence at the heart of everything it does.

And as Ben explained, the creation of privacy champions from amongst the over 14,000 eBay gives real agency to the people who will protect the eBay brand and make good on the promise of true customer-centricty.

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