Click and Collect: what is going on? | DMA

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Click and Collect: what is going on?


Click and Collect delivery services have received a lot of press recently. John Lewis announced they would start to charge for their Click and Collect service, citing their current operation as 'unsustainable'. And in response, M&S announced that they would expand their free Click and Collect to a further 100 of its Simply Food outlets.

Debate around John Lewis starting to charge has lead many industry experts to question the profitability of online shopping, and a number believe High Street stores actually subsidise the service.

To try and understand more about Click and Collect delivery services, we have researched the top 10 Pure Play and High Street eCommerce stores in IR UKs Top 500; and then investigated the top 10 stores of the beauty, clothing, charity and home sectors to see if they offer collection of online orders, and if they did, was there a cost to the customer. Our sector results were taken from the top 10 rankings of Google’s search results, when searching for the terms: charity online store, online clothing store, online homeware store, and online beauty store.

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