Cabinet Reshuffle: Ed Vaizey's promotion is good news for data-driven business | Cabinet Reshuffle: Ed Vaizey's promotion is good news for data-driven business | DMA

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Cabinet Reshuffle: Ed Vaizey's promotion is good news for data-driven business

Ed Vaizey has been promoted in the latest cabinet reshuffle. He is now Minister of State at the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) with responsibility for digital industries.

It is not entirely clear what Ed Vaizey’s remit will be in his new role but the specifics of the role will probably emerge soon as he settles in to his new post. We will of course be keeping members up to date with the latest developments as they come through.

His experience working with the DMA and the wider industry will be valuable in the future as he will be a bridge between BIS and DCMS. In the past there has not been a clear link between the two departments, which has meant interests between the two have not always been aligned.

Speaking of Ed Vaizey’s promotion, Chris Combemale executive director at the DMA said: “Mr Vaizey’s promotion is great news for the UK’s burgeoning data-driven economy. During his time at DCMS, Mr Vaizey proved to be a champion of the one-to-one marketing industry and digital innovation.

“The digital industries are built on data, so the EU’s proposed Data Protection Regulation could cost the UK’s economy billions if passed into law in its current form. We urge that Mr Vaizey works closely with Simon Hughes, his counterpart in the Ministry of Justice, to ensure that the interests of UK businesses that depend on data for one-to-one marketing to drive sales are well represented at a European level.”

Cabinet reshuffle also sees younger MPs promoted
This was a major cabinet reshuffle which saw big hitters William Hague, Ken Clarke and Michael Gove moved or demoted, depending on your perspective. After much criticism for the lack of women on the Cabinet, David Cameron promoted Nicky Morgan to education and Liz Truss to environment.

The changes broadly speaking are a modernising effort as Cameron has promoted younger MPs to the cabinet. The next generation of up-and-coming Conservative MPs have been promoted ready for the General Election next year.

The Liberal Democrats made no changes in the reshuffle. However, it is expected that the Liberal Democrats will make some changes of their own after their party conference in Glasgow between 4 and 8 October 2014.

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