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Bronze FMCG


Client Gü, Noble Desserts Holding Ltd

How did the campaign make a difference? This work showed that any day (special or not) can be made better with a Gü pud, taking Gü off its special occasion pedestal without making it less special. Tracking ongoing ROI with a shopper panel has initially demonstrated that Facebook fans not only buy more Gü (69% versus 12%) but increase their category spend by 13%.

What details of the strategy make this a winning entry? Gü’s loved by most, but it’s seen as an occasional treat or for entertaining guests. While Christmas and Valentine’s Day (for example) are important to the brand, it was vital to create more reasons to buy in between. Daily Decadenceshowed that any day can be made better with Gü. The campaign focused on two things: 1) education about the range (people think of Gü as oozing chocolate puds, but there are over 30 in the range, suitable for many occasions and seasons); and 2) moving from a marketing plan that supported special occasions with big integrated spikes, to an always-on social content programme putting Gü at front of mind all year. The strategy was activated on Facebook, which allowed regular communications with the fan community, and all content was designed to be shared for viral reach.

How did creativity bring the strategy to life? Taking Gü off its special occasion pedestal without making it less special meant creating experiences that were fun and easy to participate in: a bit less decadent and a bit more daily. This was a six-month series of mini-campaigns, all with content designed to be shareable, to prompt purchase, educate about range or expose the down-to-earth culture of the Gü office to bring fans closer to the brand. Content included a Christmas bauble pud (with chances to win prizes from beneath the Gü office Christmas tree); Easter for grown-ups; a pud for the Queen; fans being invited for taste testing; new Gü launches and topical content such as 50 Shades of Gü, the Gü puppy (Soufflé the dog), Keep calm and eat Gü, and Win a year of Gü.

Results As well as steadily increasing Facebook acquisition and engagement, independent research (comparing Gü Facebook fans with a control panel of non-fans) shows an increase of 13% in spend in the dessert category as whole. Plus, 69% of fans are now very likely to buy (compared to 12% in the control) and 67% are very likely to recommend (compared to 18%). This smashed objectives by almost 30%.

Team Laura Bowyer, Mark Anderson, Ingrid Purcell, Seb Hill, Ray Phelps, Sally Winter, Lisa Gulley, Deborah Collison, Courtney Maywald

Promoveritas – Prize fulfilment

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