2020 Silver Retail and E commerce
22 Jan 2021
Agency: RAPP
Client: PayPal
Campaign Name: A little win for data-driven empathy
Campaign Overview
A little win for data-driven empathy
At a time of disruption for communities and families PayPal shone a light on the utility and ubiquity of its payment product range.
During COVID-19, normal payment options - cash, credit/debit cards - were either not an option or considered risky (think dodgy websites shifting toilet roll). PayPal wanted to show its platform and product range wasn’t just a safe alternative payment mechanic, but also a helpful brand with tangible solutions for even the most unconventional needs.
With several campaign partners - 76th limited, Absolute Post, Creative Outpost and Rockhound - RAPP examined how lives were being disrupted by the pandemic and planned three phases: helping people fix immediate challenges; demonstrating how PayPal products can bring people together; and establishing new habits.
The agency mined user data for stories that would be a springboard to show there is ‘emotion in every payment’.
From elderly neighbours who couldn’t do their shopping to families with kids climbing the walls, people were really struggling. While practical solutions were important it was vital to make the work feel upbeat, fun and simple. The whole campaign was wrapped in the idea of Little Wins - the antithesis of every other sombre, ‘unprecedented times’-style strapline.
ROI of more than 55:1 was calculated through first-party tracking and attributed directly to the campaign. In addition, 21 retail categories saw between 10% and 377% increases in PayPal usage.
Recall, purchase intent, CTRs, engagement and open rates for the campaign all increased against benchmark. People have started using PayPal in retail categories that would have been unimaginable for the business just a few months prior to the campaign.
PayPal stated: “Little Wins brings a warmth and humanity to the brand that we’ve not seen before.”
The Team
OLIVER: Rod Sobral, Global CCO - Rob Kavanagh, ECD - Sam Jacobs, Creative Director - Liam Smith, Art Director - Octavia Welby, Copywriter - Sam Jacobs, Copywriter - Dan Perry, Planner The Guardian: Richard Furness, MD of Consumer Revenues and Publishing - Kate Davies, Marketing Director - Grace Harmsworth, Marketing Manager - Connah McCarron-Roberts, Marketing Executive - Alex Breuer, ECD - Chris Clarke, Deputy CD Digital OOH: Daniel Castella, Director Videographer: Tom Goudsmit Motion Graphics: Alba Cruz
Art Director (Model maker): Claire Middleton