2018 Gold Best B2B | DMA

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2018 Gold Best B2B


Agency: The Armstrong Partnership

Client: Bucher Emhart Glass

Campaign name: End to End: Stonger Together

Campaign overview

Peering through a global looking glass

The brief

Bucher Emhart Glass’s (Emhart) inspection equipment is used the world over by container glass manufacturers.

But the equipment wasn’t selling – so Emhart needed to bolster their inspection business, globally.


An audit of the global Emhart customer base revealed that glass forming and glass inspection were seen as two separate processes. Here, Emhart had missed their point of difference as one of the only companies in the world to offer machinery for both processes.

Through integration they could achieve far greater efficiency – and grab a monumental opportunity to position Emhart as a revolutionising force for the whole industry. The campaign sought to highlight how efficiencies would bolster profits for glassmakers and increase sales for Emhart, and to reconfirm glass as the most sustainable packaging material on the market.

Ultimately, Emhart customers could look forward to better ways of working, with improved safety, traceability, reliability, and ultimately, profitability. The End to End (Stronger Together) campaign became a strategy to change the container glass manufacturing industry forever.


For the End to End (Stronger Together) campaign to work, creative execution had to be simple. Featuring visuals of ‘hot end’ and ‘cold end’ machinery in a split-screen style to highlight the two processes coming together, the creative execution also featured products, customers and colleagues joining together, under the line ‘Stronger Together’ to highlight the End to End strategy.

The campaign needed to be understood and adopted by the whole Emhart workforce. So a video was eveloped and sent throughout the organisation to explain how, as a team and as a company, they were stronger together. Collateral was launched into the market across direct mail, email marketing, social media, global trade press, online and PR. And for new operators not used to Emhart technology, a VR training platform was developed.


In 2017, the President of Bucher Emhart Glass announced that £140m of R+D would be invested in End to End, over the next 10 years. And orders for their machines are now being taken two years ahead up to 2020 – a company first – and Emhart has increased its global market share by 8%. And most convincingly, this new way of making glass has changed a global industry.

Campaign video


The Armstrong Partnership - Daniel Owen, Managing Director - Guy Hamer, Head of Creative - Ed McIver, Head of 3D & Motion - Matt Reid, Senior Copywriter - Erin Mowbray, Copywriter - Greg Mitchell, Designer

Bucher Emhart Glass - Marlen Debrot, Group Communications Manager - Werner Gessner, Vice President Sales

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