2017 Gold Best B2B | DMA

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2017 Gold Best B2B


OgilvyOne Business

Client: Inmarsat Aviation

The Connected Air Experience

Campaign overview

Inmarsat Aviation wanted to show, not tell, how GX Aviation creates value for airlines in a way that improved customer understanding and created sales conversations.

The solution lay in a truly immersive exhibit.


Inmarsat Aviation needed to change the conversation about passenger broadband.

Research told OgilvyOne Business airlines craved illustrations of tangible benefits: inflight Wi-Fi isn't a utility; it is a strategic value-creator.

They needed to address audience confusion creatively, showcasing thought leadership. Two key trade shows, APEX and AIX, were pinpointed as their opportunity to reach decision-makers en masse.


At APEX and AIX, OgilvyOne Business created an immersive exhibit, Connected Air, which invited visitors to 'take a flight into the near future' on a virtual airline.

12 illuminated aircraft window shapes each held a white 3D printed object as an intriguing symbol of the use case benefit, creating a 'journey' around the space as visitors went from window to window. Each of the 3D printed objects was an augmented reality trigger that launched one of 12 video demonstrations from the passenger's POV.

Videos were narratives showing how inflight broadband would unlock value for the airline from destination-specific shopping to a 'virtual office' for business travellers.

OgilvyOne Business extended their audience reach by reproducing the experience units and installing these temporarily at smaller specialist events.

They also created a landing page with all 12 videos and promoted this via email to leads they captured at shows.


600+ visitors used the experience, 25% of the global target decision maker audience, which generated 250+ new leads.

Pipeline secured as a result of engagement with Connected Air means the installation had a greater than 332:1 potential ROI.

The Connected Air experience also attracted its own press coverage at APEX and AIX.


Dominic Walters (VP Marketing Communications & Strategy) Inmarsat Aviation - Kat Patterson (Business Partner) OgilvyOne Business - Nik Myers (Strategy Director) OgilvyOne Business - James Sexton (Creative Partner) OgilvyOne Business - Matt Williams (Creative Partner) OgilvyOne Business - Ryan Rabinowitz (Business Director) OgilvyOne Business - Hitan Bhatt (Associate Design Director) OgilvyOne Business -Stephen Timms (Copywriter) OgilvyOne Business - Stuart Farquer (Art Director) OgilvyOne Business - Steve Williams (Art Director) OgilvyOne Business - Natasha Freedman (Copywriter) OgilvyOne Business - Rich Wilson (Digital Producer) OgilvyOne Business - Katherine Sheen (Senior Planner) OgilvyOne Business - Alex Farminer (Senior Digital Designer) OgilvyOne Business - Asif Khan (Creative) OgilvyOne Business


Jotta Studio (AR experience design) Intergalactic (AR app development)

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