Validity: Email Deliverability 2020 - A Journey to the Inbox | DMA

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Validity: Email Deliverability 2020 - A Journey to the Inbox


How aware are marketers of email deliverability best practice? How much do they know about them? How does this translate into real actions within businesses?

Tune in as we discuss our latest research Email Deliverability 2020 – A Journey to the Inbox alongside Guy Hanson, Vice President, Customer Engagement, Validity.

We will:

  • Hear from Tim Bond, Head of Insight, DMA and Guy Hanson, Vice President, Customer Engagement, Validity, Steve Lunniss, Head of CRM, Wowcher and Kate Barrett, Founder, eFocus Marketing as they discuss marketers' awareness, knowledge, and implementation of email deliverability best practices
  • Reveal the common key areas of concern for the data and marketing industry, as well as the actions required to ensure emails land safely in their intended destination - the inbox
Hear more from the DMA

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