GDPR Series - profiling | DMA

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GDPR Series - profiling


Watch our webinar to learn how to use guidance notes issued by both the Information Commissioner's Office and Article 29 Working Party in your business

The GDPR will come into effect in May 2018. A little more than a year away.

This webinar clarifies the current policy and explains how it will change from May 2018, featuring practical advice from DMA Solicitor James Milligan, who has tracked the progress of the GDPR for more than a decade.

He is joined by:

  • Host Skip Fidura, dotmailer's client services director
  • Andrew Bridges, data quality and governance manager at REaD Group
  • Victoria Tuffill, CEO at Data Compliant

Please note - James erroneously states in the webinar that the Red Cross was fined by the ICO. We are happy to correct this error - the Red Cross received no such fine.

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