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Chris Turner

Chris Turner

GB Group
Business Development Director

Chris is a Data Marketing and technology professional with over 15 years experience across the industry. He joined GBG in mid 2015 and currently works with Agencies, Resellers and Partners, responsible for spearheading the growth of revenues from core services through identification, development and growth of key partner relationships.

By developing and implementing effective sales strategies, Chris has grown sales teams and created growing revenue streams from many of the FTSE 500. . 

Before joining GBG, Chris desgined and developed the company’s unique processing platform (ADAM) and helped CCR make a name for itself as one of the most advanced Data Cleansing, Enrichment and Migration companies in the UK. Prior to that he worked in various roles covering data management and data marketing for Sungard, Severn Trent Water, Data HQ and Axicom, from which he built his technical knowledge as well as his client focused and solution driven approach.

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