Accreditation Agreement - Renewal | DMA

Accreditation Agreement - Renewal


IDM Certificate in Digital and Data-Driven Marketing

Accreditation Renewal Agreement - Academic year 2023-2024.

Please read and complete this form by 30 June 2023..


The Institute of Data & Marketing – part of the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) – advances the careers of marketers through world-class learning.

For over 30 years, we have driven marketing excellence through a totally customer-centric learning approach, helping over 100,000 marketers get better at what they do.

Our learning syllabus is crafted by our tutors – handpicked marketing practitioners – and underpinned by DMA best practice guidance and award-winning case study content.

Our entire learning portfolio offers study options for individuals and corporate business packages, with short and long study options including professional qualifications, Diplomas, Certificates and Awards.

As part of the DMA, our mission is to nurture the next generation of aspiring marketers, advance careers, and guide and inspire industry leaders. Working with those who teach the next generation of marketers is essential so we can feed back the needs of the industry and offer support and guidance..


This accreditation recognises that the IDM has evaluated the course structure and the content of digital marketing course modules provided by your University. It acknowledges it to be of a professional standard and will prepare its graduates well for future work in a marketing role. Accreditation is valid for the academic year starting in September 2023 and renews June 2024.

The IDM Certificate in Digital and Data-Driven Marketing is a basic introduction to general terms, concepts, techniques, tools and ways of thinking/learning about digital and data-driven marketing. It is appropriate for, or accessible to, students with little or no work experience in digital and data-driven marketing.


The IDM have not changed the syllabus requirements for 2023-24, so you do not need to map the content again unless there have been any changes to your university’s course/s content/syllabus.

Please tick each topic to confirm no changes have been made. Please let us know of any changes to your course content/syllabus by emailing

Hear more from the DMA

Topic 1: The Digital Marketing Landscape

Learning outcome:

Understand the role of digital and data-driven marketing in business and what its core objectives are.


Omnichannel marketing - definition and benefits.

The three main applications; engaging customers in acquisition, customer development and retention

Topic 2: The Customer Journey

Learning outcome:

Be able to see the full customer picture from their position and how they interact with the brand.


Using insight to understand customers

Creating personas

Mapping and understanding the customer journey

Choosing the right channel, timing and personalisation

Planning and evaluating the journey for customer segments

Topic 3: The Role of Data in Marketing

Learning objective:

Understand the key role data plays in informing marketers about customers and in running and managing campaigns successfully.


Identify sources and types of data

Enhancing data, preference centres and surveys

Data quality

Using insight to understand customers

Developing personas

Targeting and segmentation

Customer lifetime value


Topic 4: Responsible Marketing and Data Protection

Learning Objective:

Be clear on the ethical and legal responsibilities of marketers


Customer trust

How marketers manage data

Being a responsible marketer in spirit and by the law

Principles of the DMA Code, GDPR, PECR, Advertising standards

Topic 5: Customer Centric websites

Learning Objective:

How to build customer-centric websites, build and use personas and design sites to enhance customer journey.


Setting website objectives

Using personas and insight to create personalized customer journey and design

Using web analytics to monitor usage

User experience and online value proposition (OVP) Website platforms

Optimising websites – SEO, analytics platforms and techniques

Testing for UX, compatibility and accessibility

Topic 6: Search Engine opportunities

Learning Objective:

Know how to maintain an effective profile online for a brand.


Search engine marketing strategy - setting goals

How to scale search engine opportunities - tracking, advantages and when to use SEM, PPC and SEO and keywords

Display advertising

Affiliate marketing - what is it and how do you use it, good practices and considerations – assets

Display marketing - purpose, when to use it and which type and programmatic

Topic 7: Marketing Channels

Learning objective:

Gain an understanding of core marketing channels, when and how to use them in campaigns.


Choosing a marketing channel

Benefits of channel integration

Online channels – benefits and drawbacks

Offline channels benefits – benefits and drawbacks

Impact of technology on offline marketing

Topic 8: Email Marketing

Learning Objective:

Know how to create and evaluate an email strategy and run campaigns using email.


Email strategy - audience, message and frequency, measures of success/dissatisfaction, email delivery

Elements of a good email campaign strategy

When to choose email

Key metrics

Monitoring and trend analysis, ROI and subscriber LTV

Topic 9: Social Media

Learning outcome:

How to develop a social media strategy.


Setting goals

Choosing a platform

Defining audience

Developing content

Defining metrics in relation to customer journey and platforms

Topic 10: Mobile Marketing

Learning outcome:

How to develop a mobile marketing strategy.


The value of mobile marketing on increased conversion rates

Mobile marketing tools - search, apps, coupons, ads, SMS, proximity marketing

Relating mobile strategy to the customer journey and data

Optimising website for mobile

Measuring and testing your mobile marketing, tracking tools

Topic 11: Print Mail

Learning Objective:

Understand when and how to use printed mail in your campaigns.


Advantages of using direct mail

Types of mail (addressed, door drops, bill and statement), When to use it - acquisition tool and building relationships with customers


Measuring performance

Topic 12: Content Marketing

Learning Objective:

How to use content as part of the marketing mix.


Purpose of content marketing – engagement, inbound and outbound marketing

Key considerations for content strategy

Using content to take customers along the marketing funnel

Paid and organic content

Audience analysis

Creative process

Content formats and tools

Engagement and conversion metrics for content

Topic 13: Creative Strategy

Learning Objective:

Understand what creative assets are and how creativity is informed by customer understanding and brings the strategy to life.


Types of creative assets. Developing a proposition

The creative brief

Evaluating creative work

Topic 14: Planning Campaigns

Learning outcome:

Understand how to develop and deliver an omnichannel campaign.


Align campaign with stages of customer journey; Consider, Evaluate, Buy, Advocate

Planning framework – context analysis – PESTLE, Objectives, Marcom Strategy, Comms mix, Creative Assets, Scheduling, Compliance, testing and creating hypotheses, ROI and end of campaign analysis, review

Handling customer requests and fulfilment

Creating a calendar – Gantt charts and management tools

Budgeting and forecast

Topic 15: Budgeting

Learning objective:

To be able to create a budget for your campaign.


Basic budgeting terms

What to include in the budget

Managing the budget

Calculation and allocation of ROI

Courses covered

Please provide the name of the course(s) to be included in the accreditation, the maximum number of students on each year of the course, and the core and optional modules where content is covered.

In the area below, please state the Course Title (e.g. BSc Marketing), Maximum Number of Students on Each Year of Course, Module (e.g. Digital Marketing Communications), and Module Level (e.g. Level 6)


You must provide one assignment brief demonstrating that your students can execute a digital campaign plan.

Tutor Membership

Please confirm the name and email of the tutor to receive IDM membership and access to an online learning account, including the opportunity to be enrolled onto the Award in GDPR and Professional Marketing Diploma.

Derek Holder Legacy Fund Bursary

The Derek Holder Legacy Fund was set up in memory of the IDM’s founder, who died in 2012. The fund provides accredited centres with access to a bursary to fund five students to take the IDM Certificate exam.

The fund also provides a student prize for Best Dissertation in the area of Digital and Data-Driven Marketing, nominated by the university. The prize is £300 plus an additional Award or the Certificate in Social Media, plus a DMA Student Membership if they arn't one already.

It is the university’s responsibility to select the bursary and dissertation students and send their names and email addresses to as soon as possible.

Purchase DMA Student Membership for Your Students

DMA Student Membership is built to make your students more employable.

As DMA Student Members they’ll:

  • Have access to a wealth of DMA resources crafted by top industry experts. This should improve their coursework and exam responses as they have more insights to include.
  • Have the opportunity to achieve professional qualifications through the Award in GDPR and Award in Marketing (worth over £1,000), which will set them apart from other marketing students.
  • Have access to employability webinars on how to nail an interview, how to market themselves, and how to find their perfect role in the marketing industry.
  • Your final year students will have a greater opportunity to find a job through DMA Marketing Jobs, our member only jobs board.

When it comes to recruiting new students to your course, showing that you'll support them beyond their academic studies to make them as employable as possible will be a unique selling point.

Cost of DMA Student Membership:

0-10 Memberships = £45 pp
11-20 Memberships = £40 pp
21-30 Memberships = £35 pp
30+ Memberships = £30 pp

For each student you select to give a bursary to take the Certificate exam to (up to five), they will be given DMA Student Membership for free.

For the students you purchase DMA Student Membership for, they will pay just £80 to sit the Certificate exam, getting a £45 discount.

Please note, an invoice will be raised upon receipt of this form for this order. If a Purchase Order (PO) is required, please raise and send to

Invoice for Accreditation Fee

Please confirm the invoice address to include on our invoice, and email address to send it to (Please note we will send the invoice by email). If a Purchase Order (PO) is required, please raise and send to

Agreement Signed on Behalf of Accredited Centre

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