Value of Measurement Report | DMA

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Value of Measurement Report


Marketers are caught in the grips of a profound measurement dilemma. Not only are marketers being asked to do more with less, but they are being asked to do so in an environment in which generating short-term response from consumers through direct / performance / activation marketing efforts is harder and harder to do. In collaboration with JICMAIL, we have developed a comprehensive Value of Measurement Report that delves deep into the most impactful measurement techniques that have proven to provide an uplift in brand and response effects of up to 42%.

The number of response effects generated per campaign fell for the third year in a row in 2023. However, those who have invested in brand marketing have seen an improvement in effectiveness over the last three years.

Taking budget from measurement to spend on media is a temptation when budgets are under pressure, but it is a false economy. There is no value to flying blind with your marketing activity.

This report delves into case examples of what good measurement looks like and why, including case studies from Buzzfeed and M&C Saatchi, whether all marketing metrics should be reported on just because they can be measured, and shows you how to build a marketing measurement framework for yourself. To maximise the adoption of a new measurement framework in an organisation, a cultural shift is required to embark on this journey together with a shared ownership approach.

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