Channel 4 chief Abraham to âchampion innovationâ at 2014 DMA Awards | DMA

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Channel 4 chief Abraham to âchampion innovationâ at 2014 DMA Awards

David Abraham, Channel 4’s chief executive, says that he will be championing innovation in one-to-one marketing as the chair of judges of the 2014 DMA Awards.

Abraham marked the launch of the call for entries this year’s Awards at Channel 4’s HQ with a talk to senior marketers about how its Paralympics coverage showed the need for brands to take creative risks to achieve real innovation in how they communicate with consumers.

Abraham said:

“The UK has a strong record in delivering bold creative marketing and I’m looking forward to immersing myself in the industry’s stand out work from the last year. I’m delighted to be chair of judges for this year’s DMA Awards championing innovation.

“Innovation is the lifeblood of Channel 4, borne out of its creation over thirty years ago and remaining the driving force behind its creative and commercial ambitions now and as we look ahead to the next thirty years.”

Abraham will oversee the rigorous DMA judging process which involves more than 300 senior industry experts from brands, suppliers and agencies. He will also lead the final Grand Prix judging process, during which an overall champion is selected from among the Gold winners.

This year, DMA Awards is challenging agency and brand-side direct marketers to prove the difference their work will make made as part of a wider campaign to highlight the social and economic value of direct marketing. Marketers now have the chance to compete in 37 categories that champion excellence in different business sectors and media channels.

Last year, WDMP’s campaign for Monarch Airlines clinched the Grand Prix at the 2013 DMA Awards. Gavin Wheeler, CEO of WDMP, said:

“Winning the DMA Grand Prix was the pinnacle of our year, we couldn't have had a more deserving client. Between us we proved the importance of direct to their business and in linking offline to online to deliver a truly ground-breaking campaign”

Agencies and brands have until 12 September to submit their entries. Entries will be judged in October by more than 300 senior professionals with judging teams comprising copywriters, art directors, data planners, media buyers, planners, clients and sector specialists.

The 2014 DMA Awards are supported by headline sponsors TNT Post and Emarsys. The winners of the 2014 DMAs will be announced at the Awards ball to be held at Old Billingsgate in the City of London on 2 December.

To enter the DMA Awards or to take part in the judging process, visit the DMA Awards website:


For further information contact:


Ed Owen, Head of PR
Tel. 020 7291 3324

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