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EU-US Privacy Shield â 35 companies certified so far

Organisations have been able to use the programme since 1 August and although initial take-up seems sluggish, there are suggestion that global players are set to come on board

What shapes customer engagement in the financial services industry?

As our Customer Engagement campaign moves on to look at the financial services sector, we take a look at how buyer and seller dynamics in the industry have shifted in recent years - and what this means for engagement practices in the industry

Brexit and the continued success of the digital economy

In a post-Brexit world where the GDPR is not directly applicable in the UK, does Brexit offer us the chance to shape our own data protection reforms? To work alongside exisiting EU regulations in a similar way to the US, and with equal freedom

DMA Awards: unplugged

The DMA Awards are tough to win. And our judges set the high standards. So join them online at this webinar as they spill the secrets on how to build a winning Awards entry.

Talking the consumers' language: retail infographic

There are four types of consumer brand loyalty. View our new infographic to discover whether your consumers are Active Loyals, Habitual Loyals, Situational Loyals or Active Disloyals.

Project Murphy's verdict on Theresa May as a goth

What if Theresa May was a goth? Are we in a crisis of trust? Is the 1980s revival unstoppable? Has Facebook beaten adblockers? Will you dial into conference calls using a drone in the future? These questions and more answered below.

ePrivacy Directive consultation: initial results

The EU Commission has published its preliminary findings into the ePrivacy Directive

The DMA Awards are here

Take a trip around the DMA Awards landscape, discover how we’re doing things in 2016 and get your Awards entry up and running