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Regulation Hub Update - March 2018

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.

Regulation Hub Update

As literally everyone knows, 26th January was the 12th annual Data Protection Day. Woohoo! Review what else the Regulation Hub of the Contact Centre Council was talking about this month.
Member Content

White Paper: Guidelines for call centres dealing with vulnerable consumers

The DMA's Contact Centres & Telemarketing Council has published a set of guidelines for call centres and companies engaged with telemarketing practical guidance on how to identify and manage a call with someone they believe is unable to make an informed decision, such as those living with...

Vulnerable consumers

A crucial challenge for any responsible business is how they support their most vulnerable consumers. To help companies better understand vulnerable audiences we have put together a webinar featuring the latest advice, guidance and best practice insight.

Catering for vulnerable consumers is not a nice to have but a necessity

Putting your customer first means catering for your many different customers, some of whom may find it difficult to make informed decisions. Use our vulnerable consumer guidelines and training materials to help make your telemarketing better