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NEWS: Q4 2023 Results: 40% of website visits prompted by mail converted into online purchases

The latest quarterly results reveal that 6.5% of mail (including Direct Mail, Business Mail, Partially Addressed Mail and Door Drops) prompted a purchase in the crucial Christmas trading period. Half of these purchases were transacted online.

Consumer Insights: Gym & Home Fitness

This article delves into the intricacies of consumer behavior within the realms of gym and home fitness, highlighting several key themes. Through comprehensive analysis, it uncovers significant insights shaping individuals' choices and preferences.

Navigating 2024: Key Strategies for Financial Services Marketers

As the year races forward, financial services marketers and CRM professionals face significant shifts that demand a re-evaluation of strategies. Here are the approaches currently topping the agendas of financial services marketers.

Boxing Clever

Single-use packaging is under fire for its lack of sustainability. But what’s the alternative?

JICMAIL WEBINAR: Q4 2023 Results: Test & Learn on the Path to Digital Conversion

JICMAIL's Q4 2023 results reveal that mail prompts an impressive 40% conversion rate between website visits and online purchases. Join JICMAIL plus special guests for an overview of the powerful mail campaign measurement tools available to mail practitioners from buy side and sell side alike.

Redefining Sustainable Print Marketing

Chris Rothwell tackles the myths around digital marketing being more sustainable than print in his blog on refining sustainable print marketing through not only material improvements but performance-based changes resulting in less wastage.

AI in Action

Join us for a live 30-minute demo and discover the power of AI tools. Witness firsthand how seamlessly they can integrate into your marketing efforts.

Explainer Videos for JICMAIL Discovery 3.0

​To help subscribers get the most from the new improved version of JICMAIL Discovery 3.0, we've created short explainer videos for each separate data tab.

Unlocking the true potential of telemarketing: in-house versus outsourced

Cost is a major factor when deciding whether to handle your sales development in-house or outsource to an external team. We drill down into the true costs of in-house versus outsourced telemarketing, uncovering the hidden costs and the additional value offered by a specialist agency.