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More perfect than perfect (bound)!

If you've ever printed a perfect-bound book I’m sure you will have had the odd complaint or it might have of been rejected due to image loss in the spine, a spread obscured within the spine, cracked spines and loose pages, the list goes on...

3 Digital Trends to Look out for in 2020

In this article, David Taylor looks at the digital marketing trends that have emerged this year as being imperative for success in 2020 and beyond.

So what? The difference between strategy and tactics in marketing

Modern marketing is filled with endless acronyms and jargon but simple strategy explains what you are trying to achieve - and tactics are how you are trying to get there.

PPC automation - the journey from cynic to believer

Our Chief Operations Officer, Simon Gear, explains the reasoning behind his evolution from an automation skeptic to an outspoken advocate of machine learning.

Is age really a non-issue?

One of the most prominent debates in the marketing industry right now centres around whether brands are doing enough within their advertising to reflect all cross-sections of society.

Is our obsession with data inhibiting creativity?

'Well this is what the data is telling us’…‘we’ve looked at the data and these are our recommendations’. We’ve all heard that the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, it’s data.

Hurry, Sale Now Off!

In terms of deriving the maximum bang for one’s buck, when it comes to short term sales promotions, there is no better direct response marketing channel than paid search. It can deliver functional, up-to-date and highly persuasive product and price information at the consumer’s point of need.

Online Retailers Receiving Much Needed Boost from Direct Mail

As high street sales continue to fall, the case for direct mail receives greater support than ever from eCommerce marketers. Direct Mail is now being used widely to attract new high value customers and increase average order values from online sales