DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Data: A New Direction - Consultation Response

On 7 October 2021, the DMA, in conjunction with the government, convened a roundtable of industry Members to discuss the government’s proposed update to data protection legislation.

DMA Student Member Webinar: Is My Phone Listening to Me? Data Ethics

Data ethics is a hot topic in the marketing industry. But why is it crucial for businesses to capture, store, and use personal data ethically? Find out alongside Gilbert Hill, a privacy technologist, in this DMA Talent webinar.

Putting people at the heart of digital marketing

Without the right balance of people, process and technology behind a marketing strategy, at best it will miss the mark, and at worst you may find yourself losing customers as a result of over-marketing.

Afraid of the Frankenstack?

The common fear we see across marketeers is of the Frankenstack Monster – a collection of hardware’s and software’s built on through years of “fixes”, “upgrades” and “manual workarounds” that all become part of normal BAU communication activities.

The Martech Migration

The MarTech landscape has always been complex, but with more and more new ways to engage customers, it becomes even more challenging to navigate the different concepts and capabilities – all too often we’ve seen the impact of a wrong turn.

Loyalty Marketing: which data matters most?

A loyalty program, by its’ nature, tracks every customer interaction and builds out a powerful set of marketing data, that often becomes the key to the long-term success of the program.

The Rise of Customer Data Platforms

With all the buzz about Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), I read an insightful comment about them recently that really got me thinking. That was “CDPs are not bought, they are built.”.