DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Data 2022

The way we use data is changing. But what does this mean for the industry, future talent, and the consumer? Find out alongside the DMA, Julia Lopez MP, and other big-name keynote speakers at Data 2022.

Data Sanity in the Telco industry

Over my too many years of working with many of the world’s blue chip B2C Telco organisations, one thing has always struck me about the data being used to power their Marketing Automation solutions.

Converting data into actionable insight

How homemover data insight can provide a tangible boost to the bottom line

Marketing 'bang for buck' - how do you measure it?

Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is what every marketer wants to achieve. But automating marketing metrics and extracting accurate ROMI data can be a real challenge.

Welcome to JICMAIL's new entry-level tool: JICMAIL Essentials

JICMAIL Essentials is our new entry-level data tool designed to appeal to users who require quick and light-touch data to support their campaign planning efforts.

Don't resign yourselves to the Great Resignation just yet...

One of the not so unexpected downstream impacts of the pandemic that has swept across our planet is now being called “The Great Resignation”.

Customer experience and marketing automation: separated at birth - reunited by a common purpose

Customer experience and marketing automation. It is not uncommon for multiple departments within a company to debate who ‘owns’ customer experience (CX).

Unpredictable 2022: the case for agile marketing

Flexibility is essential for any successful brand to stay relevant and in order to do this, businesses need to be able to adapt quickly even as the world around them changes.