DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Go Big by Going Small: Finding your Smallest Viable Audience

Seth Godin explains why bigger isn't better when it comes to an audience for a new service or product.

Automotive chips and dips: how the latest trends in Marketing Automation can help the automotive industry bounce back

How the latest trends in marketing automation can help the Automotive industry bounce back?

NEW: JICMAIL Nickable Charts to download for presentations, blogs and posts.

To make it easier to access useful insight for your presentations, posts and blogs, we've introduced Nickable Charts. These are downloadable bitesized snippets of data perfect for when you need that killer point or stat.

JICMAIL WEBINAR: Telecoms Insights: The role of mail on the path to Telecom Marketing Effectiveness

Join JICMAIL for a webinar exploring the key trends with TV, Broadband, Landline and Mobile mail, answering questions relating to what consumer are engaging with, when they are most likely to respond and what effect the channel is having.

bank99 relies on ELAINE technology from artegic

bank99, which belongs to the Austrian Post, relies on software solutions from the high-end email marketing and marketing automation provider artegic.

Future Trends Series - The Evolution of Direct-to-Consumer

The number of companies selling direct-to-consumer (D2C) has grown significantly during the pandemic. But what comes next? Find out alongside the DMA, REaD Group, and Reckitt.

Why email and digital activity is not always the greener option

When it comes to measuring the carbon footprint of quantifiable marketing activities, such as advertising in newspapers or catalogue production, it’s relatively easy. Most marketers have experience of the production process, from tree to paper and from print to post, and instinctively try not...

7 myths of telemarketing debunked

There are many common myths of telemarketing and because of a few bad apples or lack of experience, telemarketing has got itself a bad name. So we outline what the reality is, and how telemarketing can be a useful asset in your marketing strategy.