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Q3 2022 results: With 250,000 mail items now measured JICMAIL reveals significant increases in mail engagement and effectiveness as the cost of living crisis deepens

Q3 2022 results: JICMAIL reveals that there has been a significant increase in the amount of mail UK consumers are reading and looking at and putting on display in the home. This has been accompanied by an increase in mail effectiveness across seven of the twelve commercial effectiveness metrics...

Is a CDP a line item in your 2023 marketing budget?

2022 has seen an astonishing shift in the ever-thriving Marketing Technology area.

JICMAIL Measurement Matters Conference: All recordings now available

Following our hugely successful JICMAIL Measurement Matters Conference, we have now made available the recordings from each session.

Accelerating business growth with customer insights

Customer insights are drawn from data and information collected through customer interactions and channels and are a powerful way to ensure a data-led, customer-centric approach across your organisation.

Call handling - a framework for success

Call handling done well can contribute significantly to business success, but without the right framework to support it, the opposite is also true. If customer calls are unanswered, a backlog of leads accumulated, or enquiries poorly handled, your brand reputation and your bottom line will suffer.

JICMAIL WEBINAR: Q3 2022 Results: How much attention do customers pay to your mail?

Join JICMAIL for a reveal of key mail metrics from Q3 2022 and a deep-dive into our pilot results on Mail Attention, looking at new insights into how long consumers spend with mail and how efficiently mail delivers attention vs other media channels.

Insurance Customer Experience - how to make it personal and build loyalty in a self-service industry

Great Customer Experience has always been central to the insurance industry.

The DMA's 2022 Annual General Meeting

Join us at the DMA's 2022 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16 November, 11.30am, to vote on the re-appointment of the auditors. The meeting is open to all DMA Members.

With recession on the cards - now is the time to take a different approach to data hygiene

With the UK potentially about to fall into recession, competition for the customer wallet will be fierce. According to Einstein the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expect a different outcome – surely therefore, as an industry we should change the narrative. Do...