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Wednesday, 15th April 2015

Thursday, 28th May 2015

United Kingdom

In 2015, going viral is a rite of passage - especially if you work in marketing and advertising (or want to). But are your photoshopped gems, your GIF magic and hilarious tweets failing to reach the masses? Does it feel like you're screaming into a void?

Come down for a free talk on #NoMakeUpSelfies, Cadbury creme egg's social impact and how to get content noticed (hint: make it interesting).

There'll be talks from Cancer Research UK's senior social media executive Declan Leavy, Nick Entwistle from the Bank of Creativity, plus planning director David Yates and client services director Caroline Davison from creative London agency Elvis (who won a bronze for 'Best use of social media for customer acquisition' at last year's DMA Awards). CEO of Social B, Lynsey Sweales, will chair the event.

This is all part of our plan to help emerging talent into the industry. Having a knack for good content, if you believe the hype, is what will get the big bucks in coming years. That's why Go viral while you're young is... priceless. 


Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.


For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lauren TEST Kaye TEST.

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