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When & Where?

Thursday, 23rd July 2015

Wednesday, 26th August 2015

No. 11 Cavendish Square
United Kingdom

The DMA and the IDM invite you to a keynote breakfast briefing to tackle the hot issues in EU data privacy regulation.

We are currently experiencing a particularly high volume of bookings. If you'd like to be added to the waiting list please email Lucy Chapman.

The session features guest speakers from the Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing (FEDMA).

Understanding the shifting law and regulation around data is a key challenge for the one-to-one marketing industry. Businesses need expert guidance to understand, meet and overcome these challenges.

We will hear from: FEDMA co-chair and Acxiom European privacy officer Dr. Sachiko Scheuing; FEDMA EU affairs managers Mathilde Fiquet; and secretary general of FEDMA Sébastien Houzé.

They set out the critical legislative and lobbying developments in Brussels, all of which will have a significant impact in the UK.

Themes will include:

- Progression of the EU Data Protection Regulation (DPR), with an update from lobbyists working in Brussels

- How the DPR will have an impact on upcoming reforms to the e-Privacy directive

- EU Commission plans for the digital single market, and how this work offers huge potential rewards for SMEs

- How FEDMA protects DMA members' interests in Brussels and how it works widely with Europe’s other direct marketing associations

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet the FEDMA team and gain a deeper understanding of EU regulations and policy.


Earn valuable points towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme by attending DMA events. Attend this event and you will receive 2 CPD Points.

We are currently experiencing a particularly high volume of bookings. If you'd like to be added to the waiting list please email Lucy Chapman.

Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.


For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lucy Chapman.

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