When & Where?
7730 Euston Square
United Kingdom
Ticket Information
Council member: £240 (+VAT)
DMA Awards 2017 Judge: £270 (+VAT)
DMA/IDM member: £300 (+VAT)
Non member: £400 (+VAT)

Our flagship data summit sets the pace for the industry on the key challenges we will all face in 2018, with speakers from eBay, News UK, Asda and Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham, and roundtable sessions on the data lifecycle and key principles of the GDPR.
Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at training@theidm.com or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.
Book Now
For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lucy Chapman.
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