When & Where?
Friday, 9th February 2125
3rd floor
86 Commercial Quay
Commercial Street
United Kingdom
Ticket Information

The robots are coming. Join us for our latest Copywriting Club - Edinburgh as industry experts from Signal explore if the rise of AI is set to render the profession of copywriting obsolete, or if it is just another new technology for savvy writers to embrace.
Exquisitely crafted straplines, engaging blog posts and website copy that's optimised to the eyeballs. Only humans - very, very talented humans - can surely do such things.
Well, maybe not…
With publications like The Washington Post already using AI to create content, are copywriters about to be eclipsed by self-learning machines?
Join Signal’s head of media technology, Andrew Girdwood and content writer, Milo McLaughlin to find out how AI is already changing the world of marketing and how writers can adapt to this brave new world.
You will:
- Hear about the latest developments in AI and what writers need to do to ensure they’re not left behind
- Take part in a discussion on how writers and AI can coexist in the future and what the creative possibilities are for marketers
- Rub shoulders with fellow writers over free drinks and pizza
Please note: this event is for humans only. Robots need not apply.
Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at training@theidm.com or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.
For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ria Huxley.
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