When & Where?
The Mad Hatter8 Torphichen Place
United Kingdom
Ticket Information

The world of wellness shows no signs of stopping when it comes to new innovations in boosting our health and wellbeing. So grab a pen and paper and join The Copy Prescription and Signal, as we discuss ethical copywriting in the health and beauty industries, alongside the difficulties of hitting the right emotional triggers without playing to stereotypes.
Turmeric latte anyone? How about kombucha? Or maybe activated charcoal juice is more your style?
It's clear that the health and wellness trend is currently reigning supreme, we can't seem to get enough of Buddha bowls and superfoods and there seems to be a new round of wellness trends on the rise every few months.
But how do you strike the right tone when creating copy for the health and wellness industry?
Join us, your fellow creatives alongside industry experts as we discuss the highs and lows of creating copy for the health, wellness and beauty industry.
Join us to:
- Hear from part-time lifestyle 'influencer' and marketing manager at Signal, Lauren McRae on some examples of health and beauty marketing copy that have caused a huge backlash in the last few years - and why we should be very concerned about what is going on with influencer marketing in the 'wellness' sector
- Hear from expert health and wellness copywriter, The Copy Prescription, Louise Shanahan on how to use your copywriting powers for good
- Share ideas with everyone from copywriters to digital marketing executives, whilst putting the copy world to rights
You can send in examples of writing you love prior to the session or bring something inspiring along - we'll see you there.
Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at training@theidm.com or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.
For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ria Huxley.
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