DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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DMA | Organisation | Bombouche Ltd
Bombouche Ltd


The Pavillion
Burton Mill
BA12 6BR
United Kingdom - Speak to Your Audience through Direct Mail

Our core business is one of problem solving, we're focussed on the Direct Mail industry and work with customers to send a number of different formats of mailings. These mailings could be for marketing purposes or they could be informational or business mail (statements, certificates etc), either way our customers have a communication problem that we are looking to solve on their behalf.

We don't have a traditional approach to Direct Mail, we're not an out and out shop or internet business. From our customers perspective we're able to offer a streamlined method of ordering the same format of mailing over and over again on a platform which is available 24/7 all year round, whilst benefitting from full customer service support and advice through email and on the phone. Ultimately our customers and make accessible to their whole team, whilst standardising what is being ordered.

Bombouche is also fast, most of our customers receive a 24 hour turnaround on their mailings and for the larger mailings we put in place specific SLA's delivering a high level of transparency. That transparency runs through our e-commerce platform, where our customers can track the progress of their order right through to completion. We've even gone so far as ensuring that multiple users can be registered under a single company and reports can be created based on each individual tracking their spend through the system, thus enabling our customers to allocate accountability within their own business.