2018 Silver Best launch campaign | DMA

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2018 Silver Best launch campaign


Agency: RAPP UK

Client: PayPal

Campaign name: Money Pools

Campaign overview

Recalibrating the work-life balance

The brief

16 million Brits have admitted to missing social occasions for work.

So PayPal wanted to step in, with a ‘digital kitty’ to make planning group activities simple.

The brief was to launch it in the UK.


The UK has a serious work-life balance problem.

Research revealed a quarter of all Brits have missed social occasions for the sake
of work.

And with catch-ups becoming rarer and rarer, people now feel more pressure to really make them count when they happen.

This brought the campaign a key audience insight: no one likes paying for big group events up front and chasing their friends for cash afterwards.

So, armed with research and insights, the strategy positioned PayPal Money Pools as the perfect tool to help make the most of those special social gatherings.

The messaging was structured around key situations to show how those social moments could be made bigger and better.


Moments that matter became epic, as each scene was crafted to get louder, brighter and more colourful.

By focusing on the details that make events shareable on Instagram, the campaign tapped into the audience’s desire to make every social occasion enviable.

The visuals suited formats like social and OOH, and drew the audience in with a playful sense of scale and fun.

This irreverent attitude helped target people emotionally rather than relying on a rational product message. And the headlines got the same treatment, with short and punchy messages with tons of energy.

This firmly positioned Money Pools as more than a way to move money around.

It marked it as the perfect tool for making the most of social occasions.

The sense of fun was furthered with animated concepts, used to visually demonstrate how plans get bigger and better when more people chip in.


The research-led campaign showed people how easy it was to make meet-ups epic, creating new customers and brand advocates.

The results reflected this, with £1.5million collected across all Money Pools during the campaign.

Impactful integrated comms inspired friends to collect money for get-togethers, without the traditional faff.

A message that resonated because, in the first 25 days of launch, Money Pools helped a whopping 4,100 get-togethers get going.

And when customers received personalised emails with relevant use cases, the numbers got even better – tripling to the highest number of Money Pools created in one day.

The culmination of all this applied creativity was a 1,112% growth rate weekon-week.


RAPP UK - Oliver Easthope, Copywriter - Cathy Crocker, Art Director - Ngoni Gudo, Project Manager - Elena Morgan, Senior Account Director - Ally Waring, Senior Strategist - Charlie Ross, Senior Designer - Tom Kennedy, Senior Art Director - Lily Peters, Copywriter