2018 Gold Best use of mail | DMA

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2018 Gold Best use of mail


Agency: Proximity London

Client: TV Licensing

Campaign name: TV Licensing - Pulse Will You Be In

Campaign overview

Get noticed.

Get opened.

The brief

Persistent TV Licence evaders are a difficult audience, with monthly enforcement letters all too easy to ignore.

Proximity London and their client, TV Licensing, needed to find a way to cut through, get noticed and get opened.


Reaching TV licence evaders is no easy task.

They’re a tough audience who really don’t want to think about getting caught. Some might be struggling to pay, some won’t pay on principle.

But despite regular comms to approximately 1.4 million unlicensed addresses, most recipients still ignore the information.

Things needed to change.

Firstly, subtle hints.

Secondly, clarity around enforcement.

Thirdly, emphasis on the consequences of evasion.

All empowered with a strong sense of authority.


Information is useless if no-one reads it.

And that meant getting past the hurdle of having recipients open the envelopes they were served with.

A non-branded manila outer featured a double-window featured the intriguing line: “Will you be in on <XX month>?”

Upon opening, the reader was served a letter from TV licensing, followed by a question, and a date.

With attention captured, the letter explained the scope of activity around licensing, and spoke about how officers could call on a property at any time.

A date selected for any TV licensing visit was feasible: far enough away for the reader to take action.

Visual reinforcement was provided by use of an authoritative “Visit Approved” stamp.

The letter signatory was always an Enforcement Manager local to the reader, to give a sense of proximity.


The audience featured two main segments, both of which are unlicensed.

There are those unlicensed for up to two years, and those named inactive and unlicensed for more than two years.

The WYBI test pack run against control pack delivered a 230% uplift in the latter segment.

The performance since rollout continues to be impressive and asking one simple question has delivered answers.

Campaign video


Proximity London - Lou Barber, Chairman - Michelle Hampton, Group Account Director - Rich Gush, Account Director - Adrian Hoole, Head of Customer Engagement - Sabeena Lone, Senior Planner - Matt Ingram, Data Planning Director - John Treacy, Executive Creative Director - Rob Kavanagh, Creative Director - Tristan Sellen, Creative Director/Art Director - Francesco Perillo, Creative Partner/Copywriter - Greg Cohen, Copywriter

TV Licensing - Lindsey Hawkins, Marketing Campaign Manager - Catriona Ferguson, Portfolio Head of Sales & Marketing

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