2014 Gold Best Use of Search, Natural and Paid-for | DMA

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2014 Gold Best Use of Search, Natural and Paid-for


Something Different

'SensatioNail Marketing'

Client Pacific World Ltd
Team Saira O'Dwyer - Sales & Marketing Director, Rhea Jeffery - Digital Marketing, Jody Van-Vestraut - Digital Marketing, Rob Suckley - Head of Design, Kestutis Armalis - Lead developer
How did the campaign make a difference? The campaign used a thorough, savvy and highly-targeted digital marketing plan to increase SensatioNail brand exposure in the UK market – towards a website sales target of £1m within 12 months.
The website reached this target within eight months and has since broken the £2m website revenue mark – far exceeding the success of efforts in other countries and territories.
Our creativity in terms of our thinking, approach and implementation has achieved results that have exceeded our clients expectations. We have been up against some serious competitors who have larger budgets and well established market share and we have ensured they sit up and take notice of SensatioNail.
Strategy The campaign strategy got right back down to the basics of product ecommerce – really understanding what made the target audience tick, identifying their purchase behaviour and making sure every element of the campaign addressed this.
Competitor understanding and research inspired an initial AdWords strategy that allowed the brand to compete on an almost even footing with a much smaller budget.
Well-planned, meticulous onsite and off-site optimization activities underpinned a hugely successful ongoing SEM and SEO campaign – using clean code, content creation, constant user experience optimisation and targeted paid search.
The campaign was able to change, adapt and be responsive with real-time marketing. A strict review process concentrated spend only on activities that were generating best ROI – such as AdWords, where daily management and review resulted in over 44% of all online sales.
Creativity SensatioNail reached out to authorative social media users to create brand ambassadors – and looked to these to help target all marketing efforts.
The product range includes starter kits, individual colours, accessories and essential care items. To increase customer loyalty, product bundles were created and worked into a promotional strategy that included flash sales, bundle promotions and ‘how to’ content to generated brilliant results.
In response to user behavior and increased customer confidence in mobile purchasing, a new responsive webstie design was launched to improve onsite conversation rates and customer experience – just over 50% of transactions are now completed on a mobile or tablet.
A delayed new colour range presented an additional challenge. Social media showed that customers weren’t happy – so a campaign based on mixing together existing colours was developed, which customers loved.
Results The team used every tool at their disposal to learn from actual data and stats and the end results supported the importance of this.
Some ideas didn’t pan out as well as hoped – but the SensatioNail brand ambassadors were key to understanding why and how to hit the spot better next time.
Site traffic increased following the new responsive design implementation – and conversion rates increased from 4% to 6%.
Obsessive timing regarding email communications and offers increased click through rates from 5% to 10% and drove over 100,000 new users to the site, contributing £140,000 of sales.
Organic search accounted for 48% of all site traffic – with more than 450,000 organic visits during the campaign period.
Paid search delivered over 220,000 visits and accounted for £400,000 worth of site revenue. This paid search also had a stable conversion rate of around 6%.

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